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What are the uses of tungsten needles?

Electronic industry: Tungsten needles, due to their high melting point and good conductivity, can be well used as electrode materials, probes, lead materials, heaters or gates in semiconductors, optoelectronic devices, and vacuum electronic devices. Among them, according to the different purposes of electronic testing, probes can be divided into microelectronic testing probes (wafer testing or chip IC detection probes), optical circuit board testing probes, and online testing probes.
Welding industry: Due to its high melting temperature and excellent corrosion resistance, tungsten needles can be well used as electrode materials in high-temperature welding processes such as argon arc welding and laser welding. Among them, in the argon arc welding process, the tungsten needle needs to be finely ground, and the principle of tip discharge is used to facilitate arc striking.
In the field of medical devices: Tungsten needles have become an important raw material for the production of needles, needles, pliers, blades, and X-ray tubes in the field of medical devices due to their non-toxic, non radioactive, high-density, good chemical stability, and biocompatibility. Among them, the anode in X-ray tubes is usually composed of tungsten needles, as it can withstand the impact of high-energy electron beams without damage.